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Igniting Your Passion (Part 2)

Posted by Cindy Monday, May 10, 2010 0 comments

The post today is going to be very brief and to the point. So here it goes:

Your assignment in the first part of Igniting Your Passion was to write out any ideas/fantasies that made you feel sensual and passionate. [Remember, these don't have to be sexual fantasies. They are just supposed to be things that sound lovely to you! Some examples could be: taking a lovely bubble bath/ swimming naked in the ocean/ making a chocolate mould of your body, to be painted and sumptuously eaten/ etc...]

So, today, I'm asking you to pick one item off of your list, and do your best to accomplish it! (Even if you'll feel ridiculous doing it.)

For instance, last week, I wrote about how one of the passionate moments I would love to experience is swimming naked in a swimming pool full of chocolate. Mmmhhhhhhh! How Fabulous! :) And, while, I probably can't actually create that specific experience today... can I cover myself in melted chocolate, wrap up in a piece of plastic, and enjoy the experience? ABSOLUTELY!

The key here is that you're not just talking and thinking about getting into your passion.... you're using what you've got and actually doing it.

So may you have fun, feel a little silly, and get out of your box!

And, until next time...

Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782

Let the journey begin...

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Inner Mojo Step #6: Ignite Your Passion!

Posted by Cindy Wednesday, May 5, 2010 0 comments

To ignite your passion! Spark your ardor! To set your feelings alight! Fan the flames of your desire! ...

There are so many ways to say it... however the key to your passion is to not just talk about it. You have to really mean it, and then ACT!

In step #5, we talked about how to discover what you really (Really) want- and good thing we did- because today we're going to use those results to really drive home today's post!

Ok, so here's the quick and gritty:

If you are crystal clear on what you want, but are lacking passion, motivation, drive, etc... or your intentions are muddled- then it doesn't matter one iota how badly you want something, because you will not get it.

Here's an example: More than anything else in the world, you want Chicken Ala King for dinner. Even thinking about it get's your mouth watering. You've never been so certain of anything before... dinner must be Chicken Ala King. However, there are a few obstacles to overcome on the road to this goal. First of all, you need to to have a general understanding and talent for cooking. You will also need a recipe, and a trip to the grocery store. Lastly, you must actually cook the meal. What if you lacked the passion or motivation to complete just one of the steps? There would be a kink in the Ala King chain... and you would not accomplish your goal. Perhaps you would abandon your dinner vision and just order pizza instead. You would have failed.

I know it may sound harsh, but without guidance or a well-lit fire under your butt- you are essentially setting yourself up for failure.

...And I want you to succeed. BIG TIME! :)

So, if you know what you want, but you're lacking the motivation and drive to see those visions become reality- here's the first step of what I recommend my clients do!

First of all, I highly suggest bringing something to mind that is an easy passion-connection for you. For instance, not everyone knows what it feels like to get passionate over accomplishing a goal, or writing a book... but almost everyone can relate to a memory of a passionate, steamy experience!

So let's use that!

On a sheet of paper, write out 5 fantasies that make you feel sensual and passionate!(Don't worry... they don't have to be sexual fantasies, although it's best if they are sensual).

There are no limits on this exercise. The only rule is: if you start to feel silly... don't back off- use it! :)

Just as an example, I will share one of my own.

I would LOVE to fill a swimming pool with warm melted chocolate, and swim naked in it.
That would be absolutely DeLightful!

What is it for you? Whether it's taking a luxurious bubble bath, or laying on the beach, soaking in sun and feeling fantastic- I want to know about it!

Just keep your imagination open, and give this a try! Go ahead and try this out soon and stay tuned in, because in a day or two I'll be posting the the next step to furthering the process of reawakening your passion.

I'm sending you all love, and
until next time...

Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782

Let the journey begin...