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An "Osho" Moment

Posted by Cindy Friday, March 11, 2011 0 comments

Hello Everyone!

I know it's been a long time since I last posted (10 months, in fact!)... however I have not forgotten about you. Instead, I will say that I've been having an "Osho" moment. My energies and attentions have just been focused elsewhere, however there has been a recent change in the tides, and I'm coming back to writing and sharing with you!

As it's very late, this one will be a quickie.

This past year, my focus has not really been centered on business, but instead on family, laying roots, building foundations and what it means to be myself in the world we're in. ...All very fascinating and important subjects!...

And then, tonight, the question came up, "Have I wasted these past months by not focusing on growing my business or by not spending my time on financially ambitious endeavors?"

The answer came while I was doing the dishes. I was feeling the sensation of the warm water flowing over my fingers- the soap suds bubbling and gliding on my skin- and then I remembered: there is nothing more Tantric or meditative than THIS moment, right here right now. There was nothing else I was "supposed" to be doing, or anywhere else I was "supposed" to be, but right there at the sink washing some dishes.

This moment led me to think about you. Because, I know that if you're anything like me, every now and again you may get caught up in the 'how' and 'when' and 'why' things are supposed to be done. My question is this: what would life be like if we stopped wondering whether or not we're wasting time on a particular job, career path or relationship, wishing we had a different bodies, different life circumstances, or didn't have to do chores (like the dishes! =P ), etc... and instead, became completely present and soaked in all the delightful magic from the moment we're in- whatever it may be? What a life that would be! =)

The funny thing here is that Osho totally had it right in his meditation series. His advice for focusing your mind during meditation was to just let the mind wander when it wants to- and bring it back to the task at hand when it remembers to. By doing it this way, you're not forcing your brain into something it's not ready for, and you're also allowing yourself to become used to taking in maximum pleasure in the present moment.

May you each be discovering utter and sheer delight during all the 'moment-to-moments' in your days!

Life is scrumptious.

Until next time,


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