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Inner Mojo Step #5, Discover what you really (Really) want!

Posted by Cindy Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This is probably my favorite step we will cover in the 9 Step System.

I LOVE it. :)

Because this is, in many ways, the crux of the whole plan. It requires you to become absolutely certain of your priorities and live to that end...(no-shit-no-kidding).

If you don't know what motivates you, how can you know where to devote your time and energies?

And, if you're not moving from your knowing (with courage and clarity) then I do believe you are missing the whole point of life!

Without love and divinely guided passion, life can be just a series of endless days bumping into each other. We become products of life... just waiting for it to end. Some days speed by, others seem to crawl... but all in all the odds are pretty good that life may become this vast expanse of dense depression.

And that turns you from an "Active Participant" of Life... into a "victim".

Let me be clear- what motivates each person is completely unique. There's no "right" way to do it- it all depends on how you feel about your life.

For instance, some people feel full of purpose and motivated when they pray, or meditate. For others it's singing. Or traveling. Or spending time with their families. Or building the success of their business.

What is it for you?

I think Lady Godiva makes a great example of this exact idea. No, truly! She was clear on her priorities. She knew what she wanted and was committed to getting it at any cost. She knew her husband was bullying his subjects into paying ridiculously high taxes, and wanted to take a stand. She was so committed to this end that she was willing to ride her horse, stark naked, through the city so Lord Godiva would finally lower the taxes. W-O-W. :)

If you're not feeling very connected to your inner 'Lady Godiva', or not sure where to start...why not try this exercise!

1. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page- creating 2

2. At the top of the first column, write the word, "NO", and at the top of the
second column write the word, "YES!".

3. In the "YES!" column, write down everything you really Really want
(regardless of the time it would actually take to get it, or the financial resources it would require.) Go crazy here! Write everything you can think of-
even if it sounds silly or ridiculous. It can be a physical thing that you
want, or a state of mind, or something more emotional, etc...
The only requirement is that everything in this column must make you so excited that your palms sweat and you get butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you think about it! :)

4. If you're not sure of what you want, then begin with the "NO" column.
Sometimes when you have the opportunity to get clear on what you don't want,
you can deduce what you do. Fill out this column until what you do
want starts to become clearer!

That's it for today, my dear friends! So until next time, I send you all a big embrace, and much love!

Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782

Let the journey begin...


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