Hello Everyone!
I know it's been a long time since I last posted (10 months, in fact!)... however I have not forgotten about you. Instead, I will say that I've been having an "Osho" moment. My energies and attentions have just been focused elsewhere, however there has been a recent change in the tides, and I'm coming back to writing and sharing with you!
As it's very late, this one will be a quickie.
This past year, my focus has not really been centered on business, but instead on family, laying roots, building foundations and what it means to be myself in the world we're in. ...All very fascinating and important subjects!...
And then, tonight, the question came up, "Have I wasted these past months by not focusing on growing my business or by not spending my time on financially ambitious endeavors?"
The answer came while I was doing the dishes. I was feeling the sensation of the warm water flowing over my fingers- the soap suds bubbling and gliding on my skin- and then I remembered: there is nothing more Tantric or meditative than THIS moment, right here right now. There was nothing else I was "supposed" to be doing, or anywhere else I was "supposed" to be, but right there at the sink washing some dishes.
This moment led me to think about you. Because, I know that if you're anything like me, every now and again you may get caught up in the 'how' and 'when' and 'why' things are supposed to be done. My question is this: what would life be like if we stopped wondering whether or not we're wasting time on a particular job, career path or relationship, wishing we had a different bodies, different life circumstances, or didn't have to do chores (like the dishes! =P ), etc... and instead, became completely present and soaked in all the delightful magic from the moment we're in- whatever it may be? What a life that would be! =)
The funny thing here is that Osho totally had it right in his meditation series. His advice for focusing your mind during meditation was to just let the mind wander when it wants to- and bring it back to the task at hand when it remembers to. By doing it this way, you're not forcing your brain into something it's not ready for, and you're also allowing yourself to become used to taking in maximum pleasure in the present moment.
May you each be discovering utter and sheer delight during all the 'moment-to-moments' in your days!
Life is scrumptious.
Until next time,
The post today is going to be very brief and to the point. So here it goes:
Your assignment in the first part of Igniting Your Passion was to write out any ideas/fantasies that made you feel sensual and passionate. [Remember, these don't have to be sexual fantasies. They are just supposed to be things that sound lovely to you! Some examples could be: taking a lovely bubble bath/ swimming naked in the ocean/ making a chocolate mould of your body, to be painted and sumptuously eaten/ etc...]
So, today, I'm asking you to pick one item off of your list, and do your best to accomplish it! (Even if you'll feel ridiculous doing it.)
For instance, last week, I wrote about how one of the passionate moments I would love to experience is swimming naked in a swimming pool full of chocolate. Mmmhhhhhhh! How Fabulous! :) And, while, I probably can't actually create that specific experience today... can I cover myself in melted chocolate, wrap up in a piece of plastic, and enjoy the experience? ABSOLUTELY!
The key here is that you're not just talking and thinking about getting into your passion.... you're using what you've got and actually doing it.
So may you have fun, feel a little silly, and get out of your box!
And, until next time...
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...
To ignite your passion! Spark your ardor! To set your feelings alight! Fan the flames of your desire! ...
There are so many ways to say it... however the key to your passion is to not just talk about it. You have to really mean it, and then ACT!
In step #5, we talked about how to discover what you really (Really) want- and good thing we did- because today we're going to use those results to really drive home today's post!
Ok, so here's the quick and gritty:
If you are crystal clear on what you want, but are lacking passion, motivation, drive, etc... or your intentions are muddled- then it doesn't matter one iota how badly you want something, because you will not get it.
Here's an example: More than anything else in the world, you want Chicken Ala King for dinner. Even thinking about it get's your mouth watering. You've never been so certain of anything before... dinner must be Chicken Ala King. However, there are a few obstacles to overcome on the road to this goal. First of all, you need to to have a general understanding and talent for cooking. You will also need a recipe, and a trip to the grocery store. Lastly, you must actually cook the meal. What if you lacked the passion or motivation to complete just one of the steps? There would be a kink in the Ala King chain... and you would not accomplish your goal. Perhaps you would abandon your dinner vision and just order pizza instead. You would have failed.
I know it may sound harsh, but without guidance or a well-lit fire under your butt- you are essentially setting yourself up for failure.
...And I want you to succeed. BIG TIME! :)
So, if you know what you want, but you're lacking the motivation and drive to see those visions become reality- here's the first step of what I recommend my clients do!
First of all, I highly suggest bringing something to mind that is an easy passion-connection for you. For instance, not everyone knows what it feels like to get passionate over accomplishing a goal, or writing a book... but almost everyone can relate to a memory of a passionate, steamy experience!
So let's use that!
On a sheet of paper, write out 5 fantasies that make you feel sensual and passionate!(Don't worry... they don't have to be sexual fantasies, although it's best if they are sensual).
There are no limits on this exercise. The only rule is: if you start to feel silly... don't back off- use it! :)
Just as an example, I will share one of my own.
I would LOVE to fill a swimming pool with warm melted chocolate, and swim naked in it.
That would be absolutely DeLightful!
What is it for you? Whether it's taking a luxurious bubble bath, or laying on the beach, soaking in sun and feeling fantastic- I want to know about it!
Just keep your imagination open, and give this a try! Go ahead and try this out soon and stay tuned in, because in a day or two I'll be posting the the next step to furthering the process of reawakening your passion.
I'm sending you all love, and
until next time...
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...
This is probably my favorite step we will cover in the 9 Step System.
I LOVE it. :)
Because this is, in many ways, the crux of the whole plan. It requires you to become absolutely certain of your priorities and live to that end...(no-shit-no-kidding).
If you don't know what motivates you, how can you know where to devote your time and energies?
And, if you're not moving from your knowing (with courage and clarity) then I do believe you are missing the whole point of life!
Without love and divinely guided passion, life can be just a series of endless days bumping into each other. We become products of life... just waiting for it to end. Some days speed by, others seem to crawl... but all in all the odds are pretty good that life may become this vast expanse of dense depression.
And that turns you from an "Active Participant" of Life... into a "victim".
Let me be clear- what motivates each person is completely unique. There's no "right" way to do it- it all depends on how you feel about your life.
For instance, some people feel full of purpose and motivated when they pray, or meditate. For others it's singing. Or traveling. Or spending time with their families. Or building the success of their business.
What is it for you?
I think Lady Godiva makes a great example of this exact idea. No, truly! She was clear on her priorities. She knew what she wanted and was committed to getting it at any cost. She knew her husband was bullying his subjects into paying ridiculously high taxes, and wanted to take a stand. She was so committed to this end that she was willing to ride her horse, stark naked, through the city so Lord Godiva would finally lower the taxes. W-O-W. :)
If you're not feeling very connected to your inner 'Lady Godiva', or not sure where to start...why not try this exercise!
1. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page- creating 2
2. At the top of the first column, write the word, "NO", and at the top of the
second column write the word, "YES!".
3. In the "YES!" column, write down everything you really Really want
(regardless of the time it would actually take to get it, or the financial resources it would require.) Go crazy here! Write everything you can think of-
even if it sounds silly or ridiculous. It can be a physical thing that you
want, or a state of mind, or something more emotional, etc...
The only requirement is that everything in this column must make you so excited that your palms sweat and you get butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you think about it! :)
4. If you're not sure of what you want, then begin with the "NO" column.
Sometimes when you have the opportunity to get clear on what you don't want,
you can deduce what you do. Fill out this column until what you do
want starts to become clearer!
That's it for today, my dear friends! So until next time, I send you all a big embrace, and much love!
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...
Everyone experiences negative emotions at one time or another. For some, those emotions are temporary and they can clear them almost as quickly as they came up. For others of us, though, negative emotions are a part of our habitual thinking patterns.
When you take the time to release negative emotions, you've done yourself a huge favor. But the work doesn't end there.
If you've ever wondered why you just can't seem to switch out of pessimistic thinking, did you ever think it could be because your thought processes are actually attributed to unhealthy subconscious habit patterns?
That's right. About 80% the choices we make daily aren't based on free choice. They're based on previously programmed experiences.
Think of your brain as a series of computer programs. Most of them are programmed in place during our childhoods- like the ones that tell us what is true about relationships, work ethic, morals and spiritual beliefs. These programs become the basis for our actions. Our actions feed our thoughts. Our thoughts are directly related to our emotions. So on and so forth. Can you see how this all comes together?
If you identify a habit pattern in your life that is no longer serving you, and you're ready to change- there are 2 different roads to take. The first involves much time and painstaking attention. Let's say that a person's habit is always having pessimistic thoughts. Every time someone says something positive, this person always has an equally negative counter thought in their mind. They never allow themselves to dream or hope too big. And, they don't call themselves pessimists- they are realists.
If this person was ready to change, and wanted to take the first road, here is what I would recommend they do: every time a negative thought entered their mind- they'd think the exact opposite of it. They would write out their want/wish list and practice small random acts of kindness (like putting money in a parking meter that isn't theirs, or buying the person behind them at the deli a cup of coffee). It might be weeks, or even months, of this constant attention until they'd begin to notice a long-lasting change in their thoughts.
If this same person wanted to accomplish that same outcome in half the time, I would recommend they try subconscious meditations (just like the ones I use with many of my clients). They are relatively simple, easy to remember, and very effective.
Whichever road you choose to take- just remember that no matter what your habit is or how long you've had it... you can always change it. It's never too late. With intention, and just a little time and persistence you can begin feeling like a whole new person-- right away! :)
As you read the title, were you facetiously thinking, "Just suddenly release all of my negative emotions? Why didn't I think of that!?" ;)
But it does sound nice in theory, doesn't it? And here's the kicker.
It Is Possible.
So often, when it comes to unpleasant emotions and memories, the instinct is to bury them- to make tracks and put so much space between us and them that we can just forget about them! However, we all know that this method doesn't really work- right?
Even if we do successfully forget about whatever-it-is for a brief period, it doesn't take long until they've festered and built up strength and come back to kick our asses.
This is because the key isn't to deny these feelings and emotions. It's to embrace them. I know this might seem counter intuitive -AND- if you want to release and heal these negative emotions and memories so much faster and experience long term results then this is the route you want to take.
Own your negative emotions. Embrace them. Make love to them. Surrender to them. And then you will be free to let them go. Have you ever heard the phrase, "The only way out is through,"? Let this become your new mantra for releasing and healing negative emotions.
By owning your negative emotions and painful memories- you are Accepting Personal Responsibility for them. Is this starting to sound familiar? Are you able to see how the steps are weaving together now?
Bring a negative emotion to mind (one that is fresh for you), and own the way you feel. For instance, if you feel sad then say out loud,
"I feel sad."
If you are depressed then say it out loud,
"I feel depressed."
And then notice the relief you feel wash over you as you surrender to that emotion, instead of fighting to deny it. Now you are free to let it go, and choose to feel a different way, instead.
This is certainly not the only step in completely healing and releasing negative emotions, but it is a Huge first step that will make an immediate difference in how you feel.
A first step you can feel immensely proud of!
That's it for today, so until next time...
I'm sending you love and respect.
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...
As we approach the Vernal Equinox, we can feel our bodies’ subtle (or not so subtle) cries for balance. The time has come to shed winter layers and come out of the darkness into the light! We feel an energy building inside us to connect with that sensation of potential energy surrounding us: the snow melting, the days getting longer and the first signs of new green peeking up at us from the earth. Buds on trees are preparing to burst into new life and flowers are pushing themselves up through the soil. In no time we will be basking in the warmth of the sun again!
What does your body need at this exciting time of transition?
Are you anxious to get moving and feel your muscles toning and slimming again?
Have you noticed any particular cravings at this time of year?
Have you ever considered a Spring cleaning for your body to mirror the one you will probably do for your home or closet?
Spring is a wonderful time to cleanse away toxins and impurities that have been
taking up valuable real estate in your body throughout the winter months. There are wonderful health benefits to cleansing including relieving stress on many of your vital organs, increased energy, clearing out toxins that can lead to discomfort and disease in the body, and more time to accomplish your goals. A cleanse can range from a gentle stepping back from your normal diet to remove
chemicals and processed foods, to a full on fruit and vegetable juice only diet.
As a part of your cleanse you may choose to include a trip to the bath house for sauna or massage, a colonic, or a specific yoga regimen. Cleanses can be done solo or in a group for support and can be altered to suit your personal schedule or dietary needs. A cleanse doesn't have to be something that you suffer through either! It can be fun and full of activities and education that set you on a path for maximum overall health leading into the warm weather seasons.
What are you letting go of at this time of year?
During any transition, it is a valuable process to check in with the needs of the physical self and find systems of support to help us maximize our energy and make the most of every day. If you are considering a Spring cleanse for the first time, make sure to do so with the support of a health professional or nutritionist who can guide you in making the strongest choices for your body.
For information about a Guided Spring Detox & Cleanse Program, please visit Deborah’s Holistic Nutrition website.