As you read the title, were you facetiously thinking, "Just suddenly release all of my negative emotions? Why didn't I think of that!?" ;)
But it does sound nice in theory, doesn't it? And here's the kicker.
It Is Possible.
So often, when it comes to unpleasant emotions and memories, the instinct is to bury them- to make tracks and put so much space between us and them that we can just forget about them! However, we all know that this method doesn't really work- right?
Even if we do successfully forget about whatever-it-is for a brief period, it doesn't take long until they've festered and built up strength and come back to kick our asses.
This is because the key isn't to deny these feelings and emotions. It's to embrace them. I know this might seem counter intuitive -AND- if you want to release and heal these negative emotions and memories so much faster and experience long term results then this is the route you want to take.
Own your negative emotions. Embrace them. Make love to them. Surrender to them. And then you will be free to let them go. Have you ever heard the phrase, "The only way out is through,"? Let this become your new mantra for releasing and healing negative emotions.
By owning your negative emotions and painful memories- you are Accepting Personal Responsibility for them. Is this starting to sound familiar? Are you able to see how the steps are weaving together now?
Bring a negative emotion to mind (one that is fresh for you), and own the way you feel. For instance, if you feel sad then say out loud,
"I feel sad."
If you are depressed then say it out loud,
"I feel depressed."
And then notice the relief you feel wash over you as you surrender to that emotion, instead of fighting to deny it. Now you are free to let it go, and choose to feel a different way, instead.
This is certainly not the only step in completely healing and releasing negative emotions, but it is a Huge first step that will make an immediate difference in how you feel.
A first step you can feel immensely proud of!
That's it for today, so until next time...
I'm sending you love and respect.
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...