Did you know that your breath does a lot more than just let you know that you're alive? It is also a gauge for letting you know what your body's experiencing. When you're excited- your breathing changes. When you're scared- your breathing changes. When you're relaxed- your breathing changes.
And, you know what's really cool? Your breathing will change even before your brain registers that anything's different. That's right. In fact... the natural changing of your breath is what allows your brain to register that something is up.
This means that if you can catch your breath right when it changes and slow it back down to a slow and steady pace, then you are going to significantly reduce the emotional impact you're about to experience- thereby reducing your stress!
The next time that you find yourself facing a potentially stressful situation, (as the Holidays tend to be for many) for instance:
Your relatives are mere minutes away from being on your doorstep, you're still prepping food, you haven't showered, and you just heard a crash in the other room that most likely indicates one of your children has destroyed the Christmas tree.....
OR... You're getting ready to go into the biggest meeting of your career. In fact, you future is riding on the impression you will make in the next 20 minutes and you're starting to feel a little queasy...
...before you panic...
try this quick and simple exercise!
It's called the Four-Sided Breath, and here's how it works. Each breath is made up of 4 segments that represent the 4 Elements (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth). Fire represents your physical side, Air is your mental and intellectual side, Water is your emotions, and Earth is your spirit. There are hundreds of different breath combinations, however the one I'm going to give you now is specifically to help diffuse and relieve stress.
All you have to do is begin to count your breath. You will Inhale for a [steady] count of 4. Hold that breath for a steady count of 4. Exhale for a steady count of 4. And Hold that last exhale for a steady count of 8. Try this breath [at least] five times before you go back to your normal breathing, and at the end you will notice how different you feel!
**(A great tip for counting your breath without getting lost, is to count on your fingers. Begin with your pinky, and count each time your fingers touch your thumb. [eg: pinky= 1, ring finger=2, middle finger=3, and index finger=4])**
And that's it! Who knew you were just 5 breaths a way to a more relaxed and easy you. =)
Be well,
and we hope that this helps your lives this holiday [and everyday] to be more joyous, fun, and relaxed!
Until next time,
Personal Life Coach, Reiki & MCT Practitioner
Majestic Living