Here's an awesome exercise to help you ring in the New Year!
You can give this one a try by yourself, with a partner, or with a group of your friends.
Get 2 pieces of paper. On the first sheet write out everything you want to let go of from last year (2009). Any emotions, thoughts, grudges you may be still holding on to, and are not supporting you in being your absolute healthiest and happiest in this present moment. Let it all go- on that piece of paper. When you're ready (and on a fire-safe surface) burn the paper. As it burns, feel all of those old thoughts and feelings leave your body, too.
Now take that 2nd sheet of paper, and on it write everything in 2010 that you want to create and accomplish. Any goals you have in mind, places you want to travel to, relationships you'd like to create, etc... and keep that piece of paper in a very special place. It should be somewhere you will see it and remember it often.
At the end of 2010, I bet you'll be surprised how many items on your list have come to fruition!
Happy New Year to you all, and may this year be the start (or continuation) of something fantastic!
Until next time,