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How to find the right Life Coach

Posted by Cindy Monday, February 15, 2010

When you're ready to invite a Life Coach into your life- the task of finding the right one can seem quite daunting. How do you guarantee it's a coach you can trust? What results can you expect? What exactly is the role of a life coach? I'm going to share with you some of my personal insider information about finding a great Life Coach.

First of all, when there are thousands of coaches to choose from, it's easy to see how people become overwhelmed when choosing between them. And, of course, the downside of getting overwhelmed is that you might end up procrastinating and putting the choice off- which means that not only do you suffer by not having the right coach in your life, but your potential coach is also missing out on the incredible experience of having you for a client. It's Lose/Lose all the way around.

Because you have so many options when choosing between Life Coaches, I always recommend getting as clear as you can about certain qualities that are important to you. If you're not quite sure what you want in a coach, then see if you can narrow down what you Don't want. For instance, some coaches are certified, while others aren't but they have a lot of hands-on experience. Some work only with women or only with men, some coaches are more traditional in their approach, while others may be more spiritual. For instance, because of my background in Eastern Philosophy and Tantra, people often contact me when they are seeking creative and non-religious based spiritual support. They are not feeling like they're totally experiencing the joy and pleasure in their lives, and by visiting my website, they know that in coming to me, we will heal and uproot the past that is no longer working for them, so that they can live in the present and then move forward so much more easily and quickly. As a general rule of thumb, Life Coaches will work with you on improving your life, as a whole, moving forward.

Once you've decided what traits are important in your ideal coach, you've searched around online or by word of mouth, and you think you've found a coach looks like a good match.

So, what comes next?

Well, I know it may sound simplistic, but read their website. Read all of it. You'll learn a lot about that coach and how they work by reading their already posted content. I know it may be tempting to call up and talk to the coach in person, but do yourself a favor and read the website from top to bottom. The 3 most valuable segments of a coaches website that you can read (in my opinion) are: 1. the About Them page/ 2. the Client Testimonials/ and 3. the FAQ's.
When reading the testimonials, really take the time to notice what is being said by the previous clients. It might sound really great if a coach is "...Really nice- a great person! They felt just like a best friend. I loved spending time with them." ...but if that's the case- be wary! Notice how the testimonial said nothing about the Results they got from working with that particular coach. You already have friends in your life, and you're not paying your coach to be your friend. Chances are if the coach is really good you will come to feel close to them naturally- however it will be a professional relationship built on mutual trust and respect- and Results!

Some of the most important facts that the FAQ should be able to tell you (and if it doesn't I highly recommend asking these questions anyway) are: What is that particular coach's working style? Who do they work best with? And, what would be expected of you, as their client?

If you're still interested in the coach- sign up for a "Getting Acquainted session" if they offer it (or their equivalent).

I know that price might be a big consideration for you. And, to be honest, you may spend anywhere from $100/month up to thousands a month depending on the coach and type of session package you choose, however truth be told that if you find the perfect coach for you- they will be worth Every Penny. Truly- I have turned my life around through working with some coaches of my own- and I know some of the incredible results that my clients have gotten just by working with me. If money is a concern for you, though, I think you'll be surprised to learn that often times coaches offer different packages to meet every budget. For instance, I offer 3 different packages to my clients- so that they can be empowered to make the right choice for them.

At the end of the day, the most important things to remember are that the very best coach will help grow the light inside yourself to shine even brighter. They are the perfect compliment to who you are: the gravy to your potatoes... the syrup to your pancakes. You're not broken- you certainly don't need to be fixed by a Life Coach. And, coaches certainly aren't miracle-makers, either. However, when you find the right Life Coach, and you put your ALL into working with them... seemingly a little magic can happen. Above all else, remember that you only get out what you put in. So, show up and "play the coaching game at 100%", trust the process, enjoy the ride- and reap the incredibly abundant benefits!

Happy coaching to you all, and until next time...

To learn more about Life Coach, Cindy Neder Highfield, Majestic Living, or any programs, classes, and sessions offered through Majestic Living,
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