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9 Steps to Re-Claiming Your Inner Mojo

Posted by Cindy Monday, February 15, 2010

If you've been feeling run down lately- maybe you're having a hard time finding the motivation to get through the day... not to mention pursuing your own dreams and goals- and you're definitely NOT living in your creativity and pleasure... then you're ready to Re-Claim Your Inner Mojo!

I say "RE-Claim" because I believe that we are each born with the innate knowledge and wisdom to absolutely live full and delicious lives. However, over time these natural instincts are trained, taught, and programmed out of us through society, friends, family, or perhaps our own mis-understandings of the world.
These "programs" might be telling us "what it means to be good men/women", or "to never be satisfied with what we have", or that "our sexuality is private and taboo- totally separate from the rest of our lives" [and something that brings a lot of shameful and guilt-ridden baggage with it, too]!
The great news is that when you're ready to re-claim your own inner truths- by using The 9 Steps you can remember them easily, and begin having a different life experience, right now.

I've been teaching these 9 Steps to clients for the past 2 years, however, a couple months ago I knew it was finally time to write down clear-cut, tangible content to share with you!

Today I'm going to tell you what the 9 Steps are, and then in the next couple days I will post again- going more in depth on the first step. Each week I will cover a new step, as well as share a couple exercises, tricks, and tips with you, too.

Ok, seat-belts fastened? 'Cause here we go!

The 9 Steps to Re-Claiming Your Inner Mojo

1. Accept Personal Responsibility

  • 2. Be in your YES!

  • 3. Release Negative Emotions

  • 4. Re-Write Unhealthy Habit Patterns

  • 5. Discover What You really(Really) Want

  • 6. Ignite Your Passion

  • 7. Cultivate the Keys of Tantra for a Sexier You

  • 8. Program Your Future

  • 9. Create Your Personal Declaration

And that's it! Pretty simple, right? Now we can get down to the nitty-gritty, and discover what all that actually means. :)

The 9 Steps to Re-Claiming Your Inner Mojo (TM) is a system I've created expressly for my coaching clients to get them back into living their lives with passion, joy and pleasure (in a very short period of time). I'm very excited to be sharing quite a few of my secrets with you over the next 9 weeks!

Until then,
I'm sending you Love and Respect.


Cindy Neder Highfield

Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC
(646) 202-1782

Let the journey begin...


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