This is the one step I really see change people's attitudes and lives right there in our session. I love working with someone and seeing their "light bulbs" go off. :)
... And, this step definitely has, what I call, the light bulb effect! ...
Ok, so let's get to the down and dirty because this step is a quick one.
Let's face it: when we were kids, and we asked our parents for something... there were 3 possible answers:
Yes. No. or Maybe.
And I knew that if I heard "maybe"... in most cases I could ware my parents down to a "yes" by the end of the week.
However, we are no longer children, and we don't have to seek anyone else's permission these days. Unfortunately... many people still do tell themselves "maybe" quite a lot.
Every time you tell yourself maybe- you are settling. When you are living in maybe- you are living in complacency.
So often we wonder why we feel passionless, bored and worn down... but all the choices we are making on a daily basis are "settling" choices- instead of ones that support us in feeling passionate and delicious!
Is this starting to make sense? Can you see where in your life you've been settling instead of taking a stand for yourself?... And how you feel each time you settle?
If you're ready to stop settling- here's what I propose!
From now on the only answers to any given question are:
Yes, or No.
There is no Maybe. Get rid of it- don't let it exist anymore.
This means that only a 100% Yes is a Yes. Anything less is a No.
For example, a 68% Yes = No. ... A 99.9% Yes = No.
I know this may sound a little extreme, but until this practice becomes 2nd nature to you, and it is an easy, healthy part of your life- I definitely recommend taking a no-excuses/no-shit-no-kidding approach.
And, through doing this exercise, I am positive you are going to love your results and the new way you start to feel immediately.
I am confident that you're going to love living in your Yes! so much that you'll never revert back to your old ways of "settling" again.
I send you all love and respect, and
Until next time...
Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782
Let the journey begin...