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YES Becomes So Much Easier When You Prioritize!

Posted by Cindy Monday, March 15, 2010

So! You've been living in your YES for 5 days now, and I'm so excited for you. :)

Right around this point in your journey, many people experience a similar bump in the road. I'd like to share a quick tip to help you smoothly transition over this bump (if it is/or becomes true for you at any future point). And that is: What do you do when you and your partner's Yes' are not in alignment? Take the proper time to prioritize.

You'd be surprised how often I hear the question: "But what do I do when it's not in my partner's Yes to help take care of the kids/house work/etc...? What do we do then?"
My answer? Prioritize!

When you get clear on what your priorities are, suddenly the big Yes' fall into place.

If you feel like you and your partner are on separate pages about a particular issue, I recommend sitting down together and talking about what's really important to you as individuals, and as a couple. Chances are, you'll find some common ground together.

Before you know it, you'll realize that even though it's not in your Yes to do chores everyday when you get home-- it is in your YES to assist your partner in feeling happy, supported and loved. Or, the Beloved who loves going out every night with their friends instead of helping out with the kids may realize that in the bigger picture, having a family and being spending quality parenting time with their kids is more in their Yes than going out each night.

note: (Please don't misunderstand me. I am definitely using rather extreme examples here to make a point. My intention is not to judge or condone any behavior, but merely offer another perspective and some helpful hints. I'm not advocating that you shouldn't go out with your friends again, or that you need to turn yourself into a daily cleaning machine. Because I want you to be exactly who you are! And, on the flip side, hanging out with friends when your partner is willing to put the kid's to bed can be a great way to get some much needed re-juicing time and in my opinion, is an important priority, too! A great guide in every situation is balance. :) )

And there you have it! May you and your partner always enjoy being in your YES- just remember the true keys are prioritizing and staying balanced.

I'm sending you love and respect.
And, until next time... keep your eyes on the Big Picture!


Cindy Neder Highfield
Life Coach, Tantra Counselor
Majestic Living, LLC.
(646) 202-1782

Let the journey begin...


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